Week #9

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Sunday March 8th – What an awesome day yesterday, tours, dinner, and relaxing away from this petri dish science experiment.  Finished my last paper this morning, going to give it one final proff read later and send it to my instructor and be done with it.  Tonelli and I are headed out to check on our hotel reservations for next week for graduation and grab some lunch.  3:30pm on the Atrium Patio we are going to soak up some sun, drink something, and enjoy a good cigar.  10 more nights to sleep here, 12 more total and home in my own bed!

Monday March 9th – Monday was a full day of classes and just getting through the day.  We are all ready to go home, wrapping up academic assignments and enjoying the last of this great experience.  Weather for Wednesday is looking pretty good at this point, all of the snow is gone and we are supposed to get some rain for the YBR.  Tonight was our session auction and we now own the record for the most money raised by any NA seesion for charity!  Way to go 259! To add to it I won a H-D leather jacket and a case of beer……I did my part!

Tuesday March 10th – Classes and PT, getting ready for tomorrow.  Finished my last exam that gets turned in on Friday, all group presentations are done.  Can’t wait for tomorrow to do the YBR!

Wednesday March 11thIt’s Yellow Brick Road Time!……That was an awesome time, we got the guest PT guy who took us on a cross country adventure!  Our group started first and finished last…..lol  We got lost twice, and finished with a total of 8.35 miles.  The great thing was heading down that last leg to see so many of our session mates waiting for us knowing our challenge had taken us on a little side tour of the base.  No worries it was fun, I said I was going to do all of the water challenges and I did along with Todd, Kara, and Julie!  We did it!  It is such an honor to call these people my friends!

Thursday March 12th – Woke up sore and well…..sore.  I have a presentation in Stress Management today and I will be almost finished with the academic side of this journey.  Did my laundry after class and finished the extra credit assignment for my legal class.  Henderson v. U.S.  It went to the Supreme Court this month, will be interesting to see what the court rules.  At 10:13am our new grandson arrived into this world……I can’t wait to get home and see him.

IMG_6989 Braden Anthony Iacoboni

Friday March 13th – One presentation this morning, round table discussion, and turned in my final exam and extra credit paper.  Lunch was great, fried catfish!  The best lunch here yet……tonight it is early to bed as we have to leave at 6:45am to head for Norfolk, Va and the tour of the USS George H.W. Bush Aircraft Carrier

Saturday March 14th – What an awesome day, it was truly a humble experience to tour this great warship.

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