Week #4


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Sunday February 1st – It is Super Bowl Sunday!  Up early and into the pool……then it is work on some papers and get ready for the game.  The dinner for tonight has been moved from the cafeteria to the Atrium as has the Boardroom.  Dinner will be Pizza and Wings.  It has been over 3 weeks since I have consumed a wing!  Since I really have no dog in the fight tonight I am picking the Patriots to win since there are a ton of guys from the west coast here who are going crazy about the Seahawks.  Sharon sent me pictures of the snow back home……yuck!

Monday February 2nd – Monday’s are full with classes and this week I have PT 4 times including the Fitness Challenge on Wednesday.  Got up and swam, had breakfast, and heaed off to class.  Then it was another night of paperwork, staying on top of all of it is a challenge.

Tuesday February 3rd – Today was a good day, PT was awesome we did a circuit medicine ball workout, classes were good.  My Psychopathilogical Behavior in Violent Offenders class (I really like all my classes but it is my favorite) we reviewed female serial killers…..wow some really crazy women.  Tonight they are showing the movie Blackhawk Down for the academt if you want to see it.  Tomorrow Mike Durant who was the pilot that was captured in the movie will be speaking to our session in the afternoon.

Wednesday February 4th – Up at 5am and hit the pool, 15 miles in the books with 19 to go.  Seems like a mile stone getting under the 20 mile mark.  Today was our weekly Fitness Challenge.  A 20 minute circuit of 5 movements.  I thought I was going to die by the time it was over.  At 1pm Mike Durant was signing books prior to his talk with our session.  I got my picture taken with him and he signed my book.  We have a section meeting after the enrichment session.  Tonight I am not sure whats going on but if everyone walking around here like they are about dead is any indication it will be a short night.

Thursday February 5th – I have been hit with 5th Floor Funk…..I am sick, popping vitamin C and trying to get through the day.  Wrapped up some paperwork, got my stuff ready for tomorrow and called it a day.  I skipped swimming, hope to get back at it tomorrow!

Friday February 6th –  My first class was a self study time so I didn’t have to be anyware until 9:45am which was PT.  While we were given fair warning yesterday that we may be headed outside to run we were all hoping given the 20 degree temp we would stay inside……NOT.  We ran 3 circuits of 1/2 miles, rest, 200 meter sprints (if you call how I run sprinting), rest, and then do it again.  While warmer weather would be nice it was not really all that bad.  Next week we have a 5k for the fitness challenge and everything they do here is designed to have us ready for that.  I have 2 classes this afternoon and then I am going to go swim.  I got my first paper back in my Enlightened Leadership class A+…woohoo!

PT today was a challenge, first it was cold outside so out we go to do run circuits.  3 rounds of 1/2 mile runs, recovery, 200 meter sprints (1/2 a lap) recovery x3……..I think part of one lung is still out on the track somewhere.

Saturday February 7th – 8am at the White House and 1:30pm at the Capitol!  What an awesome experience.  A huge thank you to my Congressman Jim Renacci and his staff for putting this together for us on short notice.  After we got back Jeff Hoffman, Kevin Andrews, and I went to “Wings to Go” for wings and a few beverages.  Came back and did some laundry and called it a day!





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