Week #6

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Sunday February 15th – Home

Monday February 16th – Back to the NA Academy – I left to go back due to an impending snow storm in Va at 10:15am, I arrived back on base at 6:30pm because the people around here have NO CLUE how to drive in good weather let alone when God forbid a few snow flakes start falling.  Oh well, I got back safe and sound, had dinner and went for a swim.  By 9:30pm we received word that the Marines (God Love Them) had called a Code Red for the base and all classes for Tuesday were canceled.  It was harder to leave to go back this time than when I left in January……….

Tuesday February 17th – Today was spent catching up on a few things and enjoying a day off though the academy decied to start our section presentations so we listened to our classmates who were closely involved with the Ft. Hood mass shooting and the Ferguson Mo incident go over the details of both incidents.  Got some swimming in, relaxed, and worked on some paperwork in the Library.  The library here is awesome!  There were still guys coming in late in the day from flights that were canceled or delayed.  Some fo them got an extra day at home with their families, Jacob told Sharon if school was canceled why didn’t I stay home……lol

Wednesday February 18th – Started my day at 5am in the pool followed by the Week #6 Fitness Challenge at 9am.  It was supposed to be outside and a 2 mile circuit run.  Due to the temps being below 10 they decided to move us into the Gym to run a 12 station circuit of 30secs of activity, 15sec transition to the next stage with 2 cycles of that.  It was a challenge but either it was not that hard or I am getting in better shape.  Working on a paper for my Criminal Minds class and catching up on some other journals.  I have a team project meeting at 2:30pm and then it is time to relax a bit doing apperwork.  A short swim later and dinner will wrap up the day!

Thursday February 19th – Back into the classroom after the holiday on Monday and the base being closed on Tuesday.  I am beginning to believe that the smell of chlorine will becoming out of my skin until June sometime.  Finished my fitness reports and submitted them to John VanVorst our fitness instructor.  He is a great guy, I call him the energizer bunny, he moves at 100 miles per hour.

Friday February 20th – Wrapped up the week, with some killer PT, my legs are dying after that and then swimming.  After dinner I worked on some papers and listened to some music!  Did Laundry and relaxed.

Saturday February 21st – Got in some more swimming and reasearch on my last paper.  Kind of a boring day, it was snowing like crazy and the Marines put the base into Code Yellow by the afternoon due to the snow.  Rick, Jeff and I went to Outback for dinner and some real food.  We then headed back to the base to find the rear entrance was closed just as we arrived due to the weather.  We had to drive all the way around and up I-95 to the main entrance.  It is amazing how no one can drive here when there is a little bit of adverse weather.  We went to the Boardroom to have a few beers to wrap up the night!  Week 6 is in the books!


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