Week #2


Sunday January 18th – Week #2 here we go!  Got my swim in, 3.5 miles in the books, will probably got knock out another 1/2 mile later today.  Breakfast was well, breakfast here, there is not much variation from day to day.  But at least we have healthy choices and I must say I all ready feel better.  Have not lost any weight but I can feel a difference.  There is a nice Chapel here, attended the 10am service that was led by Chaplain Dan Tyler from Orlando Florida.  He is here until next Friday, the FBI rotates the Chaplains in every two weeks.  Nice service with the message being “In a cave, with a lion, on a stormy day”  Great message and fellowship.  Now it is time to write and read………..

Went out for a run with Chicago and Aussie, my left knee has been acting up and running did not do it any favors today.  Ended up limping for almost 1/2 a lap and still finished my mile at 10 minutes.  Iced it down after dinner along with some Advil.  Feels better after the ice, getting old is not fun…..LOL

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 Monday January 19th – There are a bunch of us headed to Washington DC today.  We all pitched in to get a bus for a few hours to take us into the city so we can see the sights.  Rick and I went to Dicks Sporting Goods after we got back from D.C. on the way back we followed the GPS to see an alternate route off the base to find that there are no alternate routes and we ended up driving all around the outside of the base.  It is HUGE…..we did get back in time for dinner!  Wrapped up some paperwork, talked to Sharon and it was time for bed.

Tuesday January 20th – Up at 5am and headed to the pool.  Swan a 1/2 mile, had breakfast and then we had a session meeting in the Auditorium at 7:30am  Classes at 7:45am and the day began!  Had PT which went well, lunch and my afternoon classes.  I am really enjoying the classes and I am learning a lot with a great deal coming from talking with my classmmates.  It’s time for dinner and then some reading before bed.  Tomorrow is our first session challenge.  All of us will go outside and run a 1.5 mile course around the academy.  I am ready!

Wednesday January 21st – Wednesday is Firness Challenge day for the entire session.  We ran the 1.5 miles as a class then I swam a 1/2 mile before heading to a section representative meeting and lunch.  Today was also picture day, we all got our pictures taken individually and in our sessions.  The day wrapped up with a Patch and Pin night, we traded patches, pins, and coins with our session mates. Did some more reading and called it a night!

Thursday January 22nd – Up at 5am and hit the pool, got ready for the day, and grabbed breakfast.  If nothing else I am eating pretty healthy and starting to feel better.  Today I have a leadership class to start the morning follwed by Fitness and then lunch.  We have an all session enrichment speaker at 1pm and then I wrap up the day with stress management.  I have sveral papers to work on and some reading so that will be the agenda for this evening…..maybe another swim, it makes my banged up knee feel a lot better.

Friday January 23rd – This had to be the longest day of my life…….it dragged big time.  Swam again this morning and I am actually ahead of schedule a little bit.  I may take Sunday off so my body can rest, my knee is feeling better but it still hurts to run very far on it.  Spent Friday evening working on papers and decompressing from the week.  Tomorrow is going to be a homework day with dinner out somewhere.  The food here is not bad at all but I am dying for pizza and wings.  I have lost 2lbs and I feel a lot better already!

Saturday January 24th – I spent most of the day working on papers, reading, and research.  Hit the pool and took it easy on my knee which I hope is starting to get better.  Rick and I to the Globe and Laurel for dinner.  It is a resturaunt that is owned by a WWII Marine and his family.  They love cops and the ceilings are covered in police patches.  Food was ok, I am spoliled by The Timber Lodge back home but the hospitality was outstanding.  We then stopped at the Marine PX, it is like a giant Walmart store with better prices.  Came back and finished a paper and called it a day!

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