Week #10

Sunday March 15th – We had a cookout on the patio today and Rick and Jeff helped me paint the yellow bricks for the “Lost Squadron” It was a busy day, but we had a blast, cooking and enjoying some time with great friends!

Monday March 16th – Today and tomorrow will be our last classes, getting our final grades and saying good bye to our instructors.  A bitter, sweet day, I have some of the best instructors I have ever had in my career and education.  We headed down to Fredericksburg for dinner and a little Pre- St. Patricks Day celebrating.

Tuesday March 17th – Last day of PT, John V took us outside to pull weight sleds and do some circut work.  Finished packing, and taking most of my stuff to my truck.  I can’t believe I took so much stuff with me…….lol  We went to Paddy’s to celebrate St. Patricks Day!

Wednesday March 18th – Took the last of my stuff to my truck and we had graduation practice.  Went to Wings to Go one last time for lunch with my buddy’s Mike and Todd and then headed to the hotel to check in and wait for Sharon and Jacob to arrive later tonight.  At graduation we honored the cleaning staff who have done a great job keeping our rooms clean.  They are handicapped folks from the area Goodwill Industries, they are a true inspiration for life.  My buddy Tony from Australia and his Sheriff shirt, they don’t have Sheriff’s in the land down under!

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Thursday March 19th – Sharon got in late so I let them sleep in a little bit.  We decided to skip lunch due to so many people going, the Atrium will be packed.  We took our grandson to the Marine Corps Museum for lunch after a tour of the academy.  My Sheriff and his wife arrived for graduation and we went down to Fredericksburg for diner.  Tomorrow is going to be a hectic, fun, and sad day all at the same time!

Friday March 20th – Graduation Day!  Bitter sweet this day was my friends……..so many great friends, very little time to say good bye to everyone.  Know this, it was an honor to attend the NA259!  Everyone holds a place in my heart, so many people from around the country and the world, coming together to form a bond of friendship, trust, becoming brothers and sisters forever.  It was nice to arrive home and sleep in my own bed with my wonderful bride!

4 thoughts on “Week #10

  1. Dave, Thanks for the pic in your blog. This was an awesome experience and I enjoyed being your neighbor. Sing on brother…. You gotta finish off with graduation (week 10)



    • My friend it was an honor to meet you and be neighbors! I will be finishing up the blog for all the world to view it’s historical significance in the next few days! Be safe my friend!


  2. Dave,
    I am attending Session 260, and I have been following yours and Hieko’s blog’s. I can tell you I feel well prepared having read your entries and looked at photo’s. Best of luck in your career.
    All the best,
    Sean Patterson
    Emergency Service Unit, NYPD


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